Medicapp’s system simplifies the creation of health records by providing a secure way to exchange data with your healthcare system. Our health record includes standard fields, as well as the option to add customized fields and triggers to meet your specific needs.
We take care of the technical complexity by providing you with access to our secure health Cloud. We also provide you with parts of the code and tools that enable you to integrate blocks of our system easily and autonomously.
If you require additional documentation, our API team is available to assist you.
console.log( 'Code is Poetry' );
let status = SyncEnums.getSyncStatusFromString(text: patient.syncStatus)
if status != .PENDING_UP_SYNC_POST && status != .PENDING_UP_SYNC_PUT {
completion(false, status, status.rawValue, nil)
let urlPost = "practitioner/" + practUuid + "/patient/" + patUuid
let urlPut = "patient/" + patUuid
var with:[String: Any]
if status == .PENDING_UP_SYNC_POST {
with = patient.toDictionary(deepScan: true)
} else {
with = patient.toDictionary(deepScan: false)
self.createRequestV4(with: status == .PENDING_UP_SYNC_POST ? urlPost : urlPut, for: status == .PENDING_UP_SYNC_POST ? "POST" : "PUT", with: with, details: "full", requestParamString: "", and: { (res) in
if let returnedDic = res?.entity as? [String:Any] {
completion(true, status, "200", returnedDic)
}, and: {(error,errNb) in
completion(false, status, String(error), nil)
console.log( 'Code is Poetry' );
console.log( 'Code is Poetry' );
let status = SyncEnums.getSyncStatusFromString(text: patient.syncStatus)
if status != .PENDING_UP_SYNC_POST && status != .PENDING_UP_SYNC_PUT {
completion(false, status, status.rawValue, nil)
let urlPost = "practitioner/" + practUuid + "/patient/" + patUuid
let urlPut = "patient/" + patUuid
var with:[String: Any]
if status == .PENDING_UP_SYNC_POST {
with = patient.toDictionary(deepScan: true)
} else {
with = patient.toDictionary(deepScan: false)
self.createRequestV4(with: status == .PENDING_UP_SYNC_POST ? urlPost : urlPut, for: status == .PENDING_UP_SYNC_POST ? "POST" : "PUT", with: with, details: "full", requestParamString: "", and: { (res) in
if let returnedDic = res?.entity as? [String:Any] {
completion(true, status, "200", returnedDic)
}, and: {(error,errNb) in
completion(false, status, String(error), nil)
console.log( 'Code is Poetry' );
console.log( 'Code is Poetry' );
let status = SyncEnums.getSyncStatusFromString(text: patient.syncStatus)
if status != .PENDING_UP_SYNC_POST && status != .PENDING_UP_SYNC_PUT {
completion(false, status, status.rawValue, nil)
let urlPost = "practitioner/" + practUuid + "/patient/" + patUuid
let urlPut = "patient/" + patUuid
var with:[String: Any]
if status == .PENDING_UP_SYNC_POST {
with = patient.toDictionary(deepScan: true)
} else {
with = patient.toDictionary(deepScan: false)
self.createRequestV4(with: status == .PENDING_UP_SYNC_POST ? urlPost : urlPut, for: status == .PENDING_UP_SYNC_POST ? "POST" : "PUT", with: with, details: "full", requestParamString: "", and: { (res) in
if let returnedDic = res?.entity as? [String:Any] {
completion(true, status, "200", returnedDic)
}, and: {(error,errNb) in
completion(false, status, String(error), nil)
console.log( 'Code is Poetry' );
AI SaaS Platform for Healthcare
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